Quality education designed to raise up Christian scholars​

Front Range Christian School provides a quality education designed to build up Christian scholars. We see our roles as partners with the Christian home to raise up kids who are ready for life in college and beyond, who are intentionally equipped to impact the world for Christ, and who are able to give an answer for their faith no matter their circumstances. We value the uniqueness of each child and work to nurture their identity in Christ alongside their specific gifts and passions who are culture makers for Christ.

With children spending six or more hours a day at school, we do not take our role in your child’s life lightly. We long to see students transformed in heart and mind, as we focus on their spiritual, intellectual, and physical development. We are administrators, teachers, spiritual directors, mentors, and care-givers who value your children and their role in our world.

“My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” ~ Colossians 2:2-3, NIV


Staff, church leaders, parents, and students mentoring staff, students, and younger students—discipleship happens at all levels.

Fulfilling Our Purpose

To achieve our Mission and Vision, FRCS is committed to purposeful education and discipleship for all of our students.

Faith Statement

Teaching through the lens of a biblical worldview, FRCS finds its foundation in the Word of God and basic tenants of the Christian faith.

Our Promise

To deliver an exceptional discipleship-based Christian liberal arts education taught by talented educators who have a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ through which students are:


Trained to have discernment


Equipped to have influence​


Inspired to


Discipled towards a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ

Our Vision

We will raise up Christian Scholars who are culture makers for Christ.

Our Mission

FRCS exists to partner with the Christian home and the church in training children for life and equipping them to impact the world for Christ.

Our Values

FRCS values pursuing excellence in all endeavors, implementing educational innovation, active engagement in learning and invitation to community.

Training up the next generation

At Front Range Christian School, our mission is clear. But it is not just about our mission. We care about the end result – what our students look like once they graduate from this place. If we are successful, students who graduate will be:

Trained for Life
  1. Students will know how to study the Bible, understand the origin and reliability of the Bible, and sustain their growth in the Bible.
  2. Students will receive a scope of education that makes them qualified for admission to colleges and universities.
  3. Students will possess thinking skills, i.e., logic, reasoning, problem solving, and critical thinking.
  4. Students will demonstrate leadership.
  5. Students will possess effective communication skills.
  6. Students will be able to discern the tricky culture that is often opposed to the Kingdom of God. (Colossians 2:2-3)
  7. Students will understand and possess a biblical worldview yet be cosmopolitan enough to understand, appreciate, get along with, and work with people who think and live differently. (1 Corinthians 12:28)
  8. Students will be familiar with people, events, and movements of history and realities of the physical world.
  9. Students will recognize and respect authority.
Transformed in Heart and Mind
  1. Students will understand their identity and gifting in Christ possessing a passion and hunger for excellence, using it for His Glory.
  2. Students’ Christian beliefs will guide actions, decisions, and relationships, including personal purity. (Colossians 2:2-4,8)
  3. Students will demonstrate fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22)
  4. Students will be others-centered, loving and serving those in need spiritually and physically. (Philippians 2:3)
  5. Students will accept Jesus Christ as Savior and grow in His Word and prayer.
  6. Students will understand God’s ownership of all resources and be familiar with principles of stewardship of those resources, including time, talents, and treasure.
Equipped to Impact the World for Christ
  1. Students will understand other worldviews and possess the heart and skills to impact other cultures for Christ.
  2. Students will be able to tell their own personal story of Christ in their life.
  3. Students will positively impact and serve those inside and outside of their community.

Why Us!

The purpose of FRCS is not to hide our children from the world, it is to prepare them for it.

Top Courses

Our classrooms are to be places of discovery.

Sports Facility

Fuel your passion for sports at our world-class facility.

Best Instructors

Our instructors make learning a joy, not a chore.

Modern Labs

Pushing the boundaries of science and technology.

Regular Events

Where innovation meets inspiration.

Campus Library

Explore, Learn, and Grow with our Campus Library.


In many Christian schools around the nation — whether primary, secondary, collegiate, or graduate — the idea of discipleship is, unfortunately, treated as an addition to the academic programs offered by the school. It becomes school + Jesus, and the people who are graduated from these institutions have a biblical or Christian worldview but basically look the same as those who graduated from a secular institution. At Front Range Christian School we believe that while an admirable start, this approach is not enough. If Jesus is truly our Lord, then there can be no area of our lives that stands apart from him. The LORD is not something to be “tacked on” to whatever we are doing. He either reigns over it, or He does not. So what does that look like at FRCS? It is not just about “spiritual formation.” It is about the transformation of hearts through the renewing of minds. It is about forming radical “disciples of Jesus…who, communally, take up the creational task of being God’s image bearers…”*

Faith Statement

Teaching through the lens of a biblical worldview, FRCS finds its foundation in the Word of God and basic tenants of the Christian faith.

Front Range Christian School is wholly committed to achieving excellence in every aspect of program offerings and curriculum. Our mission mandates that FRCS will provide a biblically directed education that will train and equip children to impact the world for Christ. Our standard of truth is in Scripture, which we believe to be the inspired and infallible Word of God. If teaching materials or information are in conflict with that standard, the Bible will always take precedence. FRCS desires to provide a broad range of class offerings and programs but will not do so at the expense of excellence.


To achieve our Mission and Vision, FRCS is committed to purposeful education and discipleship for all of our students.

"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” ~ Deuteronomy 6:6-7 "

Meet Our Team

Creating a Legacy of Excellence, Hand in Hand as a Team.

Brian Gehr

Director of Discipleship

Dave Sherman

Director of Generosity

David Cooper

Head of School and President

Eli Spector

Jr/Sr High Principal and Bible Department Chair

Eric Osberg

Athletic Director & 6th Grade PE Teacher

Jeremy Wall

Director of Student Experiences

Jill Hart

Elementary Principal

Rod Ross

Director of Operations

Ron Downs

Director of Early Childhood Education

Sierra Downs

Director of Student Guidance

Carren Hutchinson

Carren Hutchinson

Preschool Teacher Assistant

Carren Hutchinson

Carren Hutchinson

Preschool Teacher Assistant

Cindy Fast

Cindy Fast

Part-Time Kindergarten Teacher

Eileen Naslund

Eileen Naslund

PreK Teacher

Gerri Cameron

Gerri Cameron

PreK Teacher

Jessica Bradley

Jessica Bradley

Assistant PreK Teacher

Karri Majerus

Assistant Kindergarten Teacher, Falcon Fit Jr Instructor, and Elementary PE Teacher

Katie Sturm

Katie Sturm

Full-time Kindergarten Teacher

Kristin Trimble

Kristin Trimble

Kindergarten Teacher

Linda Langemeier

Linda Langemeier

Preschool Teacher

Megan McGuire

Megan McGuire

Assistant Preschool Teacher

Lisa Turay

Lisa Turay

Kindergarten Assistant

Michelle Swankowski

Michelle Swankowski

Preschool Assistant Teacher

Margie Erbeck

Margie Erbeck

Preschool Teacher

Ron Downs

Director of Early Childhood Education

Marissa Fast

Marissa Fast

PreK Teacher

Abbey Ramirez

Abbey Ramirez

1st Grade Teacher

Amy Sutherland

Amy Sutherland

Music Teacher

Eric Osberg

Eric Osberg

Athletic Director & 6th Grade PE Teacher

Heather Taylor

Heather Taylor

K-5 Learning Specialist

Jessica Koch

Jessica Koch

4th Grade Teacher and Elementary Lead Teacher

Jill Hart

Jill Hart

Elementary Principal

JoEllen Nikkel

JoEllen Nikkel

Music Teacher

Karri Majerus

Assistant Kindergarten Teacher, Falcon Fit Jr Instructor, and Elementary PE Teacher

Katherine Pra

Katherine Pra

3rd Grade Teacher

Lisa Newell

Lisa Newell

Elementary School Office Manager

Megan Cathey

Megan Cathey

2nd Grade Teacher

Nicole Corman

Nicole Corman

1st Grade Teacher

Kristin Tillery

Kristin Tillery

2nd Grade Teacher

Lori O'Keefe

Lori O’Keefe

School Nurse and Elementary Administrative Assistant

Melaine Downs

Melaine Downs

5th Grade Teacher

Suzanne Eitzen

Explore Director, FDC Teacher, and Genesis Center Director for Elementary

Lauryn Reiff

Lauryn Reiff

6th Grade Teacher

Maloriee Horstman

Maloriee Horstman

1st Grade Teacher

Meryl Delano

Meryl Delano

5th Grade Teacher

Tricia Ratts

Tricia Ratts

Elementary Learning Specialist

Lindsay Krum

Educational Assistant

Mary Lynn Vander Ploeg

Mary Lynn Vander Ploeg

6th Grade Teacher

Michelle Brown

Michelle Brown

3rd Grade Teacher

Alex Probst

Alexandre Probst

CTO, Technology Teacher, Homeschool Enrichment Teacher

Amanda Dopps

Amanda Dopps

RISE Assistant

Braden Wehr

Braden Wehr

Genesis Center Coordinator

Brian Gehr

Brian Gehr

Director of Discipleship

Cara Matthies

Cara Matthies

Math Teacher and Math Department Chair

Collin Sutherland

Collin Sutherland

Science Teacher and Science Department Chair

Connie Rice

Connie Rice

Jr/Sr High Office Manager

Coree Snyder

Coree Snyder

Math Teacher

David Cooper

David Cooper

Head of School and President

Heather Jones

Heather Jones

Senior High Learning Specialist

Kaley Sferra

Kaley Sferra

Junior High Learning Specialist and RISE Educational Assistant

Kim Hammons

Kim Hammons

Science Teacher

Liz Bayne

Liz Bayne

Spanish Teacher

Patti Huth

Patti Huth

Jr/Sr High Office and Discipleship Director Administrative Assistant

Robyn Wise

Robyn Wise

History Teacher and History Department Chair

Tami Bigandt

Tami Bigandt

Jr/Sr High Office Assistant

Eli Spector

Eli Spector

Jr/Sr High Principal and Bible Department Chair

Hector Jardon

Héctor Jardón

Fine Arts Director

Kellie Stidom

Kellie Stidom

Language Arts Teacher and Language Arts Department Chair

Kristin Miyamoto

Kristin Miyamoto

Culinary Arts Teacher

Melissa Leapley

Melissa Meleski

Art Teacher

Philip Schulz

Philip Schulz

Bible Teacher

Sharon Payne

Sharon Payne

Speech and Drama Teacher

Eric Osberg

Eric Osberg

Athletic Director & 6th Grade PE Teacher

Jeremy Wall

Director of Student Experiences

Kevin O’Melia

Senior High History Teacher

Leah Pirozzi

Leah Pirozzi

Math Teacher

Mindy Green

Mindy Green

Jr/Sr High Administrative Assistant

Renea Gouge

Renea Gouge

Science Teacher

Sierra Downs

Sierra Downs

Director of Student Guidance

Geoff Cotton

Geoffrey Cotton

RISE Coordinator

JoEllen Nikkel

JoEllen Nikkel

Music Teacher

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor

Spanish Teacher and Spanish Department Chair

Linda Kern

Linda Kern

RISE Teacher

Nicole Funk

Nicole Funk

Bible Teacher and Junior High Discipleship Lead

Rob Stadick

Language Arts Teacher

Stephanie Barber

Stephanie Sanburn

Language Arts Teacher

Alex Probst

Alexandre Probst

CTO, Technology Teacher, Homeschool Enrichment Teacher

David Cooper

David Cooper

Head of School and President

Angela Ramirez

Angela Ramirez

Holy Grounds Manager and Hot Lunch Program Coordinator

Jeannette King

Jeannette King

Admissions Manager

Darin Sundeen

Darin Sundeen

Facilities Support

Kellie Limpede

Kellie Limpede

RaiseRight Coordinator

Dave Sherman

Dave Sherman

Director of Generosity

Lori O'Keefe

Lori O’Keefe

School Nurse and Elementary Administrative Assistant

Marisa Chavez-Aragon

Marisa Chavez-Aragon

Admissions Counselor



Campus Service Dog

    Maureen Davis

    Maureen Davis

    IT Support

    Rod Ross

    Rod Ross

    Director of Operations

    Michele Ross

    Accounts Payable

    Scott Perry

    Scott Perry

    Associate Director of Generosity

    Peggy Adams

    Peggy Adams

    Finance Manager

    The FRCS Board

    Danny Cometto

    Chairman of the Board

      David Cooper

      Head of School and President

      Geoff Eliason

      Finance Committee

        Jerry Nixon

        Board Member

          Keith Fisher

          Finance Committee Chair

            Lance Ferrin

            Secretary and Community Committee

              Leslie Elmer

              Community Committee Chair

                Mona Tessmer

                Board Member

                  FRCS History

                  Front Range Christian School was born out of concern by a group of people in two local churches for an independent, private Christian school that would be committed to high academic and spiritual teaching in an environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, problem solving skills, and hands-on learning. The two groups, unknown to each other, began meeting at about the same time, working to gain support in and understanding of how a Christian school could be of value to the Christian family.

                  Check Out Our Campus

                  Are you ready to change lives?

                  FRCS offers a great work environment with benefits for full-time employees. Every one of our staff members are given the opportunity to mentor students, and serve the community alongside students to be a model of Christ’s love to the world. Our goal is to raise up Christian scholars and our mission is to partner with the Christian home in training children for life and equipping them to impact the world for Christ. Think you might be a good fit? Check out the current openings at Front Range Christian School.

                  Testimonies from students and families

                  At FRCS we have found not only a community, but a family. It is a place where grace abounds. Whether it’s in the classroom, on the field, or on stage, my boys have been challenged in new ways to ‘live out loud’ with their faith.



                  Since coming to FRCS, I have found more meaningful relationships with my peers, teachers, and every one I work with.  I’ve never had friendships like this before. I have grown in my relationship with Christ and deeply understand my faith and calling. I know more about the Bible and how to defend my faith




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